So you had an epiphany or you have a dream or you have even set yourself a Goal how do you turn those beautiful visions and words into an Achieved Success Story.

Well if that was easily answered and done everyone would be doing it now, I would not be writing this blog. Yet here I am!. One thing I can assure you of is that setting yourself up for success takes some focused planning! YES that dreaded word “Planning”, but wait there is good news, when you break it down and understand the benefits or effective planning then it is not such a dreaded thing after all. I am here to show you how the process can be straight forward , painless, and effective.
It is all about Goal Setting and Planning the right way! The way that will give you the solid foundation required that will enable you to focus your attention and effort effectively on the right actions to take to move you progressively towards success.
To move your dreams of today through to achieved success stories, can start with this effective 5 phase process
1. Be Audacious, take your dreams and make them bigger, more challenging, adventurous and worth achieving
2. Make it Real, lets set you up for success and turn those Audacious dreams into reality, making them clear, defined achievable and Strong giving you something tangible to aim for
3. Identify your Resources, now lets build the support system behind you to promote, encourage and sustain your success through identifying all of the resources (people and things) that you will need to achieve this goal
4. Outline your Actions, You need a plan, and to create a plan you need a starting point of actions and tasks that you need to accomplish to set you off in the right direction
5. Get Doing, This will only work if you take the action – what are you going to DO today, tomorrow, next week and so on to create momentum and get you that one step closer to success
Now you have a clearly defined Goal, a list of resources and a comprehensive awareness of action items and tasks that you can implement each and every day to progressively move you forward towards your goals, that once upon a time Dream or Simple goal is now well on its way to becoming another Success Story for you.
The best part about this is that once you start practicing the process it will soon become second nature to you, the more you use this process in your regular daily practice for any goal, project, planning event etc the less a process it becomes and the more natural and intuitive it will become for you.
I currently conduct a 5 day Goal Setting and Planning Challenge where we break these steps into more detailed activities and work through – If you are keen to join me on the next one feel free to join my waitlist @
But if you are like me and you are keen to get started straightaway and make your Desires and goals into success stories today then you can grab instant lifetime access to the simply register here @
I would love to be part of your journey and celebrate your successes, so please feel free post your success stories on Social Media share at my instagram @paulajonescoaching , Tag me or #PJcelebratessuccess so that we can all share, celebrate and encourage your success.
Future Blogs coming up soon
· Organising and scheduling your action plan
· Maintaining momentum – having a daily focus on success
Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels